Latest Developments –
In 2006, a publicly funded feasibility study recommended restoring the railroad in Ulster County from Kingston to Phoenicia, including the spectacular scenic sections along the Ashokan reservoir. The researchers also supported creating a complete trail system from Kingston to the Belleayre ski center in Highmount. Notably, none of the several reports from the last 25 years outlining paths to regional development have recommended a Rail Trail corridor, which customarily involves putting a trail over an abandoned railroad right of way.
BACKSTORY. The New York Central Railroad discontinued its service over the 38 mile route from Kingston to Highmount in 1976, selling the railbed and right of way to Ulster County. The County thereafter negotiated with Steamtown to operate a tourist railway system over these tracks but refused to fund maintenance of the railbed. Since these costs’ staying off the books were probably essential for any company to profit from operating such a railroad, Steamtown declined this deal.
In 1983, the Catskill Mountain Railroad (CMRR), an all-volunteer for-profit enterprise, leased operating rights from the County. Their current contract lasts until 2016. They have been running a tourist train from Phoenicia twelve miles east to Coldbrook Station. Since profitability still almost certainly depends on public funding of railbed maintenance, they have been unable to raise private financing to restore the tracks along the Reservoir. As they are a for-profit operation, they also could not apply for available federal grant money. Though they had hoped to refurbish one mile per year of track, this goal has proven unattainable over the past three decades.
POST-IRENE FEMA FUNDING FOR RAILBED RESTORATION. Two factors have now arrived to change this situation. Hurricane Irene in 2011 finally completely destroyed the Boiceville Trestle over the Esopus Creek, plus about two miles of track leading to the Empire State Railway Museum (ESRM) depot in Phoenicia. This extensive damage, along with much other devastation in the area, has finally activated the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). They have now allocated $3.8 million to restore the entire railbed from Boiceville to Phoenicia. About another $5 million would still be needed to uplevel the intact but deteriorated tracks from Kingston to Boiceville. This means that a fully operational tourist railway system between Kingston and Phoenicia along the beautiful Ashokan Reservoir is finally within reach.
GOVERNMENT BACKING OF THE RAIL TRAIL OPTION. In the meantime, trail advocates, led by Kathy Nolan, Chair of the Ulster County Trails Advisory Committee, have supported instead “the vision for a world-class, county-wide, unified trail network, as articulated by County Executive Mike Hein in his proposed budget for Ulster County in 2013.” As part of this plan, the County has approved tearing up the rails beyond Phoenicia to the county line at the Belleayre Ski Center in Highmount. This action will realize $650,000 from the sale of the scrap steel, while presumably enabling the establishment of a trail route over that portion of the railbed.
On January 23, 2013, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo proposed $2 million under the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Capital Budget towards “the development of a multi-use recreational trail along the County-owned Ulster & Delaware ((U & D) Railroad Corridor.” In a press release, Mike Hein touts the tremendous success of the Walkway Over the Hudson, a half-mile stroll over the Hudson River near Poughkeepsie. He speaks of “the dream of connecting the Walkway and the Ashokan Reservoir,” a distance of some 25 miles.
DIFFICULTIES WITH RAIL TRAIL. There are several problems with choosing this path of development, as against a Rails with Trails alternative.
• One is that the prospect of hiking the total of sixty five miles from Poughkeepsie to Highmount will appeal to only a modest number of visitors.
Then too, no revenue will directly accrue from this free trail route.
There is no projected total budget for the completion of this plan. Rather than offering a real bottom line with clear indications of costs, advocates are working in stages, depending on hoped for grant money.
Another drawback is that the New York City Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), which manages the city-owned land along the reservoir, has repeatedly made clear that they will not permit hikers to use the railroad right of way over this stretch. They are very concerned to protect the pristine purity of their reservoir system, which supplies unfiltered water to 15 million New Yorkers downstate.
Yet another concern is that tearing up the rails from Phoenicia to Bellayre may permanently foreclose the potential allure of a year round rail system for skiers.
One more disadvantage is that the removal of the tracks west of Phoenicia will maroon the fully developed Delaware and Ulster Railroad service from Arkville to Roxbury. Their website also says: “When finances permit, we have the goal of refurbishing the track from Arkville to Highmount that was previously one of our routes, before the track was washed out by severe flooding.”
RAILROAD RESTORATION FROM KINGSTON TO PHOENICIA. In contrast, restoring the railbed, initially just from Kingston to Phoenicia, will create an irresistible new tourist draw. Many thousands will want to ride back and forth, taking in the magnificent landscapes along the reservoir. Ultimately, making the sizeable investment to enable trains to continue on to Highmount will provide still more stupendous vistas, plus an all year magnet.
Setting up tour guide services at each of the stops along the route, using group vans driven by knowledgeable locals, could employ a whole new class of workers. Information kiosks can direct passengers to many currently under-publicized local crowd-pullers, restaurants and shops, plus nearby trailheads. Ticket charges will make the project self-financing, including a County tax sufficient to maintain the railbed, without adding to its budget. This development should bring significant economic benefits to all the municipalities along the route, in providing for the needs of hundreds of thousands of new travelers.
Even the partial course the current tourist train covers, which includes no views of the Ashokan Reservoir, racks up impressive rider and visitor statistics. Despite zero public financing, railroaders have continued building ridership. Dedicated volunteers working even during the winter are making the C-9 bridge near Kingston passable. They have secured the FEMA commitment of major funding. A persuasive 16:00 video, called “Let’s Restore Reservoir Railroading!” states the case for bringing back into service the full route along the Ashokan Reservoir, along with developing a complete cross-county trail system.
THE RAILS WITH TRAILS ALTERNATIVE. Completing the railroad from Kingston to Phoenicia in no way eliminates the trail option. A trail can run alongside the rails from Kingston to the C-9 bridge over the Esopus. It could then continue adjacent to Route 28, until that highway meets Route 28A in Hurley. This lovely rural roadway can provide the basic path for the trail, until it rejoins Route 28 just east of Boiceville. From there, the trail should proceed next to the railroad right of way as far as Phoenicia.
Until new funding arrives to restore the railbed to Highmount, the trail might then carry on atop the rails, using a gravel or wood covering. Some of the very great number of tourists who will want to ride the rails may choose to walk along part or all of this trail route, most likely many more than would respond to the appeal of the whole long trek by itself.
Crucial to success is approaching trail advocates to develop a complete Rail with Trails route from Kingston to Highmount. This would include a realistic sustaining budget, a plan and timetable for implementation, and an inventory of potential sources of ongoing support. Some trail enthusiasts could come to realize that joining forces with railroad zealots on a win-win proposition is likelier to produce a well-used and well-funded trail system than continuing to oppose and undermine rail interests.
A PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP. So one key strategic element is how to secure the additional money needed to refurbish the rails from Kingston to Boiceville. The public-private partnership that the Delaware and Ulster Railroad in Delaware County employs points one way forward. In their case, each municipality owns the railbed that runs through it. The O’Connor Foundation provides base support. The Catskill Revitalization Committee, a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation, administers the overall operation.
In Ulster County, its government is an indispensible participant. Their taxing authority can take a sufficient percentage of total revenues to help finance maintenance of the railbed. An evolved form of the Central Catskills Collaborative, containing representatives from the six townships from Olive to Andes, now winding up its work on the Catskill Mountain Scenic Byway project, might expand its remit to represent the interests of each of the communities along the route, including into Delaware County.
Inviting the participation of the Catskill Center for Conservation and Development and the Catskill Watershed Corporation, could provide ongoing expert guidance. A strengthened Empire State Railway Museum has the non-profit status necessary to apply for and disburse grant monies. The for-profit Catskill Mountain Railroad can continue to operate the railroad, relieved of the responsibility to pay to maintain the railbed. With the enhanced revenues derived from running trains along the reservoir and eventually up the mountain to Belleayre, they can perhaps at last take on some paid staff to augment their volunteer cadre of railroad buffs.
WINNING STRATEGIES. Next strategic steps:
The Empire State Railway Museum (ESRM) and friends need to raise seed money to follow through on some version of this plan. $10,000 would probably be adequate to start, though $50,000 would be a better goal over time. With these funds, they can hire a knowledgeable, well-connected area attorney to structure the public-private railbed maintenance organization the project requires.
One main challenge now is if possible to forestall Ulster County from following through on its decision to tear up any rails in order to plug a small hole in its finances, at the cost of foreclosing major future potential gains. In private conversation, County Executive Mike Hein has said he believes it will take $50 million to bring the railroad back, an unreachable figure in his view. But given the game changing new factor of FEMA’s determining to fund restoration of the railbed from Boiceville to Phoenicia, a more accurate estimate may be only $5 million more, according to Harry Jameson, Chairman of the Catskill Mountain Railroad, not including outlays for marketing and promotion.
The railroad faction needs much better self-promotion, potentially with the support of a professional public relations company. A coalition of local and national, non-profit and for-profit, articulate, knowledgeable, and devoted rail fans can present an ongoing media blitz. They should be launching a continuous counter-information campaign, in the form of bar graphs, charts, and informative letters to Governor Cuomo, State Assemblyman Kevin Cahill, key persons in the DEC and DEP, and the general public.
Rail enthusiasts could use a thermometer drawing or a map comparing how far they might have rebuilt the right of way with the money now going into trails. They can readily answer Mike Hein and trail folks’ claims, by showing the touristic, economic, ecologic, and historic value of an East-West tourist railroad. This route would give the public controlled access to the beauties of the reservoir and link several counties, reaping many under-appreciated returns. Communications could include testimonials gathered via interviews with riders.
ESRM might join forces with Delaware County’s Catskill Revitalization Committee to lobby Ulster County and New York State to change course from relentlessly pursuing an all-trail, anti-railroad approach, to a more balanced orientation facilitating both amenities. The plan to rip up the rails from Phoenicia to the Ulster County border in Highmount is so injurious to the future prospects of the Delaware & Ulster Railroad, that they might even consider a lawsuit to slow down Ulster County’s rush to turn the rails into cash this year.
ESRM”s coalition should also employ an experienced regional planner such as Peter Manning, main author of the Scenic Byway Corridor Management Plan, to undertake to align all the potential participants to work together in their collective best interests. Peter knows where ESRM could most fruitfully apply for grant money to fund development, promotion, and execution of this vision. The Ulster County Department of Transportation might also be an enormously helpful ally in getting it to happen.
An Ulster & Delaware corridor convocation this spring could produce a meeting of the minds of a coalition of players, potentially including even responsive trail supporters. Despite varying local goals and means, everyone shares the dream of revitalizing the region’s economy.
Twenty five years of multiple studies have all agreed on the very great benefits to the Catskill Region of restoring the railroad, along with creating a complete trail route across the County. It is surely past time to listen to the consultants and satisfy the aspirations of partisans by connecting all the players, government and civic, to activate such world-class attractions. The residents of this unspoiled rustic wonderland deserve nothing less.

How might an individual, a society, a world transform themselves? Let us explore together the possibilities. Education is one obvious answer. If a still picture is worth a thousand words, how much more valuable are moving pictures in conveying information? Transformational Education Initiatives (TEI) offers you a series of interactivating video-based courses, bringing cutting edge ideas in an accessible package.
One effective mode of learning is by doing, applying theories taught in the classroom in the outside world. Students could receive academic credit for undertaking community projects. By hooking up with these young people, non-governmental organizations can gain an infusion of new energy.
TEI’s other major thrust is toward community development. Restoring the railway system along the Ashokan reservoir would tremendously benefit the economy of the Catskills in upstate New York. Rail with trail proponents can work through our website as an action hub.
All these initiatives empower individuals to realize their potentials, understand core principles that can motivate collective endeavors, and enable communities to grasp the larger picture. Seeing themselves as parts of a whole frees folks to work cooperatively to serve the general welfare and fulfill their highest ideals.
The missions of Transformational Education Initiatives are to:

• Conduct educational video screenings through targeted Internet outreach internationally to civil society members doing charitable and sustainable development work.
• Establish a network of schools, libraries, think tanks, non-governmental organizations, and government departments to utilize our video instructional materials.
• Find learning centers and instructors with students who want to evolve Peace Education curricula and develop local action teams.
• Edit, finalize, and package some twenty WORLD CITIZEN VIDEOBOOKS.
Can you allow yourself to dream of a world system that works for everyone? These videos illustrate the transforming principles and prospective institutions that could make global democracy a reality. Activists join to propose advanced alternatives to meeting the needs of all earth’s people. They offer guidance on how world citizens can share power with corporations and national governments to control more of the destiny of the race.
This Course on Transforming Planetary Management offers a Local Action option. It is an interactivating study program. Participants review UN history and potentials, so they can understand why each of 25 Top Transformations of the world system offers a real solution to a given set of problems that populations are experiencing globally.
By means of these seminars, advocates of working toward democratic world federation can interface their agenda with local schools and civil society groups. The students bring new blood to non-governmental organizations. Member adults and seniors have resources, know-how, and contacts that will enormously benefit youth just starting their careers.
Course attendees have a chance to choose to engage with companionable others to undertake local projects. The desirable principles of good governance, inclusive social justice, and human rights maximization apply everywhere.
These affinity action teams might decide, for example, to work to bring greater sustainability to campus management, assist community development projects, press their national governments to support a Green Economy, or lobby UN missions to back weighted voting in the General Assembly and universal regional representation in the Security Council.
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Action Agenda for the Earth:
Strengthening the United Nations for the 21st Century, Abridged
(57 mins. total)
The historic Millennium Forum, convened by the United Nations Secretary General at the General Assembly Hall in May 2000, legitimately represented organized humanity. The delegates produced a Declaration and Agenda for Action that proposes an inclusive, fair, and actionable alternative to the current form of economic globalization. This plan shows how to restore the environment, while bringing about a world of peace and plenty for all.
I. Transforming the United Nations
Four authorities picture a world system that works for all. They explain how to find U.N. agencies, guarantee every person food, shelter, health care, education, and employment, and institute a comprehensive peace-sustain U.N. system to reduce armed conflict. (14:00)
II. The Other Superpower Convenes
In May 2000 at the United Nations, civil society delegates from around the globe gathered to represent humankind. They produced an Agenda for Action recommending workable ways that governments, the U.N., and civic organizations cat together fulfill the commitments all states have made to meet the needs of their populations and restore the biosphere. Folk music and dance performances reflected the planet’s many cultures. (12:00)
III. Serving All the People
Illustrated portions of this Millennium Forum’s Declaration as read out at the podium of the U.N. General Assembly Hall portray its key proposals. A self-financing planetary development program can eradicate poverty, achieve peace, tame transitional corporate globalization, and secure human rights universally. (18:00)
IV. Funding and Democratizing the United Nations
A small levy on transborder currency exchange transactions would fund the U.N. to serve as an effective Earth steward. Instituting user fees on the global commons can finance sustainable development and environmental restoration. To democratize the U.N., the delegates recommended establishing a Global Civil Society Forum to define a People’ Agenda and focalize world attention on implementing it. (12:00)
(2 hrs. total)
Toward a Governed World
Three articulate globalists explain how to move from the present unruly international system toward orderly planetary management. (30:00)
The Binding Triad
A weighted voting system can turn the U.N. General Assembly from a debating society passing non-binding resolutions into a legislature enacting enforceable world laws. (30:00)
Strengthening the United Nations
Making the U.N. a more effective planetary administrator requires regional mediation services, an all-volunteer peacekeeping force, expanded use of the World Court, and a Global Resources Agency protecting the environment. (30:00)
Nine Weeks for the Earth
Reconnect to your highest ideals through this commemoration of the period between the 25th Earth Day and the 50th Anniversary of signing the U.N. Charter. (16:00)
The Challenge of World Citizenship
World Citizens call for a People’s House in a stronger and better financed United Nations. (18:00)
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A FREE 9 min. 30. second version is available at the rental link above by simply clicking ‘Watch The Trailer”.
Could you allow yourself to dream of a world system that works for everyone? This 22 minute video illustrates the transforming principles and prospective institutions that would make global democracy a reality. Activists join to propose realizable ways to meet the needs of all earth’s people. They detail infrastructure world citizens need to promote to share power with corporations and national governments in order to shape more of the destiny of the race.
Until recently, few were on the Internet most of us now use every day. These developments can likewise happen very rapidly. Let us visualize together a world where everyone has enough to eat and work to live. We can do it easily, with a small portion of the money now going to the military.
We could declare for the transformation of the United Nations into a world federation of nations: democratic, transparent, and plural. We are all human, and we are all earthlings. But we have no structure that admits those simple facts – yet. Let us join together in a new “Dance of the Earth.”
In the meantime, you can check out David’s entire body of work and his current projects at his two websites and These will link you to his YouTube channel, where you can watch a few shorts.
The UN’s Global Compact is the start of transnational corporate responsibility, regulations requiring businesses and corporations to do right by the environment.
Every person on this planet needs food, clothes, fresh drinking water, adequate preventative medical care, education up through College, a job commensurate to his or her education and training, and in old age Social Security. We have the means do do it in the next fifty years, if we put our minds to it.
A UNPA is one means to democratize the UN, to be established as a consultative body by a vote of the UN General Assembly. Party groups would send delegates to fill each country’s seats according to their percentage in the national legislature. The legitimate parliamentary representatives of 80 states in the world have spoken out for its creation.
To become world law, votes for resolutions would count in three ways. First, 2/3 of the member states must concur. Secondly, 60% of the world population is on board. Thirdly, countries approve who contribute an agreed majority of the UN budget.
Every country in the world would belong to some region, represented in clusters. Each nation has an assigned weight, based on its population, its assessment for UN financing, and its status as a state.
Through Article 109, a UN Charter Review Conference could legally adopt the resolution to transform the UN into a democratic global federation of nations. It is past time to transport the principles of rights and political organization to the global level.
To download .pdf’s below
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(in page pdf’s below.)
1. Barbara Marx Hubbard: Design for a Positive Future. Host Barbara Marx Hubbard gathered together a multi-disciplinary Design Team that proposes an action agenda for solving society’s dilemmas, such as an “Office for the Future” and a “Peace Room” in the White House.
2. Buckminster Fuller: Grandfather of the Future. Geodesic dome designer Buckminster Fuller gives a concise summary of his key ideas, like building design science, using new materials to do more with less, and investing in livingry rather than weaponry.
3. The Patch Adams Story: Creating a Model Health Care System. Mike Farrell describes Patch on stage as “a giant, a revolutionary, a medical doctor who believes in the healing power of love and attention.” Clips from the hit 1998 movie with Robin Williams summarize Patch Adam’s early career. Patch sketches his vision for Gesundheit! Institute, a comprehensive health care delivery facility planned on his land in Pocahontas County, West Virginia.
4. Mikhail Gorbachev: A Man for the Ages. This program covers Mikhail Gorbachev’s background, rise to power, and animating principles. As Premier of the Soviet Union, he changed the face of the modern world, by helping to end the Cold War and liberating Eastern Europe.
5. The Dalai Lama: Tibet as a Zone of Peace. Spiritual leader of the Tibetan people and former head of its government in exile, the Dalai Lama has proposed establishing the entire Tibetan plateau as a zone of peace and non-harm. This status could protect its ecology and the monsoon patterns of the surrounding watersheds in China, India, and Bangladesh, home to over two billion people.
6. Action Agenda for the Earth: Strengthening the United Nations for the 21st Century. A comprehensive peace-sustaining UN system would reduce armed conflict. A self-financing planetary development program can eradicate poverty, civilize transnational corporate globalization, and secure human rights universally. Instituting at the U.N. an ongoing Global Civil Society Forum could focus world attention on meeting every earthling’s needs. Part I: “Transforming the United Nations.”
Background Readings
Marshall McLuhan The Medium is the Massage
R. Buckminster Fuller Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth
Teilhard de Chardin The Phenomenon of Man
For part of each session, members will read aloud their selected passages from the assigned books. Texts will have sufficient time for review to permit a deep immersion in the author’s transformative vision. The instructor poses three questions in response to the main themes of the work for pairs and foursomes to consider.
The general idea of the course is to expose participants to alternative views. Class members’ sharings revolve around what they are used to thinking, and whether they are willing to consider evolving their customary understanding.
Reports from the frontiers of healing reveal humane, affordable, gentle ways to help nature reconstitute the body. Watch programs on acupressure, homeopathy, nutrition pioneers, Touch for Health, surviving cancer, and aura reading. The course makes no claim to diagnose, treat, or cure anyone’s diseases. Students merely hear alternative views on healing from world-renowned educators and practitioners of natural health care.
The interactive format of this class invites participants to each formulate and convey individual insights and reactions to the material. The design of the overall learning experience motivates attendees to take better care of their physical and emotional health. The material also evidences the reality of the psychic and spiritual dimensions of experience.
Nutrition Pioneers
Renowned health authority Paavo Airola summarizes his findings on nutrition, drawn from studies of the world’s longest-lived peoples. A graphic demonstration shows how sugar weakens the body. A short play featuring early raw food proponent Ann Wigmore teaches in a fun way about good and bad eating habits. (30:00)
Homeopathic medical treatment has been popular in Europe for decades. By using remedies at home to mobilize your body’s own healing ability, you can quickly alleviate bruises, burns, menstrual cramps, and other ailments. (26:19)
Aura Reading and Healing
Rev. Rosalyn Bruyere demonstrates direct intuitive knowing through aura reading. She identifies the status of a woman’s health from the color of her energy field and teaches how to sense these subtle hues yourself. (23:12)
Learn Touch for Health techniques of therapeutic massage from the system’s founder, John Thie, D.C. This practical method enables you to read the body’s messages. Discover how to relieve sore joints, restore flexibility to aching muscles, and alleviate back strain. Use this video with the Touch for Health instruction book to bring the pictures to life.
I: The Touch for Health System
Dr. Thie instructs you in the basic techniques of muscle testing, balancing energy flows, and releasing tension through kneading specific muscle groups. (25:00)
II: A Master Demonstration
John Thie takes one client through a complete Touch for Health balancing treatment. (23:00)
Your expert guide to the art of acupressure is Effie Poy Yew Chow, a Registered Nurse who has studied this ancient healing technique under masters in China. Though the Chinese have practice preventive medicine using acupuncture for thousands of years, Western doctors have only recently recognized the value of needle treatments. Watching this four-part overview, you can now achieve the same degree of healing without needles by knowing where to press your fingers on key energy points.
I. The Body Energy System
Dr. Effie Poy Yew Chow graphically shows through physical effects how every person’s frame has invisible energy fields flowing up and down it. (20:45)
II. Concepts, Cautions, and Techniques
Dr. Chow illustrates how to relieve stress and minor aches and pains without medication by balancing the currents running along meridian lines. She instructs you on what conditions this method can help and how to use it safely to alleviate the sufferings of your friends and loved ones. (23:00)
III. Power Points
Massaging these four points, you can remedy headaches, clear sinus congestion, and sooth stomach upsets. (24:00)
IV. Relieving Headache, Tension, and Backache
In one remarkable demonstration, Dr. Chow relieves back pain a woman has held for months by rubbing her hand for minutes. (22:13)
SURVIVING CANCER: Alternative Treatments TRT 60:00
Has cancer touched you or someone close to you? Then tune into this good news about leading edge modalities that offer compassionate, inexpensive, mild ways to help nature rebuild the organism. Discover too how weathering a cancer health emergency can re-educate the soul.
I. How to Survive Cancer
People don’t have to die from cancer. Major authorities like Dr. Linus Pauling, two-time Nobel laureate, confirm that the best way to prevent and control cancer is to strengthen the body’s immune system so it can heal itself. Natural therapies are proven effective alternatives to standard cancer treatments. (20:00)
2. Induced Remission Therapy
Sam Chachoua, M.D., an Australian clinician and medical researcher, places cancer patients’’ tissues in chemotherapeutic reagents, so their own biochemistry can create antibodies to attack malignant cells. Recent clients testify with visual records to the rapid healing they experienced under his care. (20:00)
3. Self-Healing Cancer
After repeated bouts with cancer, psychotherapist and workshop leader Shdema Goodman, Ph.D., decided to explore alternative ways to heal herself. She shows how to marshal inner resources through positive mental attitudes and soothing meditative practices. (20:00)
The genre of “edutainment” presents videos roughly equivalent to non-fiction best-sellers or college textbooks. Transformational Education Initiatives provides a conduit for the delivery of its documentaries to schoolrooms and adult education classes. Audio-visuals convey information much more effectively than textbooks or instructor lectures. Augmented by selected easy-reading materials using contemporary graphics, videobooks can enhance the transmission of academic data.
Inspiring presenters show you how to take responsibility for your own health care. Working with the body to strengthen the immune system can be an effective route to wellness. Restoring the free flow of energy through invisible but real internal pathways can bring relief from pain and dysfunction. Acknowledging that there are emotional and spiritual sources of sickness adds another dimension to the curative process. Four videos will expand your understanding of ways to become and stay healthy:
Natural Healing Techniques
Touch for Health I – II
Acupressure I – IV
Surviving Cancer
Practical visionaries share their success stories in mobilizing communities to better serve everyone’s interests. Such way-showers shine light on unconventional paths forward toward social change. Compassion for the preventable suffering of the human family motivates these metaphysical activists. The course encourages participants in shifting to a more comprehensive worldview. Two videos will bring you up close to these inspiring role models:
Heroes for Our Time
The Patch Adams Story
Major consciousness raising events reveal the outline of an emerging global civilization that can enlarge social justice and integrate with nature. Satellite telecommunications and the Internet have ushered in the Planetary Age, but we the people need new institutions at the global level to make our voices count. We should evolve transnational corporate capitalism to serve the needs of every earthling. The course specifies the realizable 25 Top Transformations making up a just world system that works for all. Three videos will fill in the picture for you:
World Citizenship 5 in 1
Action Agenda for the Earth I – IV
A Just World System
Securely funded UN or allied agencies could carry out a constellation of world service functions. Short video segments illustrate many of these proposals, making the ideas easier to envision. All these planned institutions have identified appropriate reliable non-donation funding sources.
“ – “ = nearer term, more readily achievable opportunity
“ • “ = more substantive, longer term change
FREEDOM FROM WANT: To implement the Millennium Development Goals and more:
• Cancel all Third World debt, redirecting current payments.
— Institute a tax of .5% on transborder electronic currency exchange transactions.
• Enforce Global Compact principles for member transnational corporations.
• Integrate International Monetary Fund, World Bank, and World Trade
Organization policies and practices with UN social and environmental treaties.
— Establish a Sustainable Development Authority, supported by user fees, to
regulate the sustainable commercial exploitation of the global commons.
— Create an International Disaster Relief Agency, paid for by a surcharge
on property insurance premiums.
— Replenish a Global Renewable Energy Support Fund with taxes on transnational
energy companies’ windfall profits from the escalating price of oil.
FREEDOM FROM FEAR: Arms export taxes can finance the UN to:
— Enhance conflict resolution through a non-violent civilian peace force,
emphasizing the participation of local women in peace settlement negotiations.
— Enlarge mediation and conciliation services.
— Form an all-volunteer rapid deployment Emergency Peace Service and
designate standby regional peacekeeping forces.
— Create a corps of police officers to work with peacekeepers.
— Regularize the functioning of the Peacebuilding Commission to help
societies recover from violent conflicts.
— Develop a global peace education curriculum and secure its use in all schools.
• Institute universal jurisdiction for the International Criminal Court (ICC).
• Declare wars of aggression illegal through the ICC, enforced at least by lifetime
travel restrictions for fear of prosecution on heads of state that authorize crimes
against the peace.
• Stem nuclear proliferation by having current nuclear states de-alert all their
nuclear weapons.
FREEDOM TO LIVE IN DIGNITY: Use the levy on currency exchange speculation to pay to:
• Operationalize the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
— When necessary, act from collective responsibility to protect civilian populations
from intolerable abuse by their own governments.
• Systematize tiers of courts, most already in place, working with the watchdog
Human Rights Council, to guarantee the maintenance of civil standards in
practice, everywhere, at all levels, from the local, through the national, regional,
and now with the ICC, to the global.
STRENGTHENING THE UN: To reduce terrorism and unrest, produce an enlarged sphere of social justice:
• Accord unconditional jurisdiction to the decisions of the International Court of Justice.
— Reconstitute Security Council membership into twelve regional voting units
producing qualified majorities.
— Introduce weighted voting to enable the General Assembly to create
enforceable world law.
— To advise the General Assembly, establish at the UN both a People’s Parliamentary
Assembly of sitting national legislators and a Global Civil Society Forum.
— Institutionalize substantive Non-Governmental Organization participation in UN
decision-making processes.
In the Catskill mountains in upstate New York, restoring the railway system along the Ashokan Reservoir can significantly help bring prosperity to Ulster County’s economy. If a public-private non-profit partnership funds repair and maintenance of the railbed, then leasing the rails for commercial operation becomes a sure money-maker. The key element is for each township to open up to a regional awareness. Acting as separate entities cannot carry the charge that working together will. A short, informative, highly entertaining video elaborates on the great gains the area will derive from putting this charming tourist train route back into service.
In the prosperous and culturally advanced small city of Sarasota, Florida, by packaging edited video recordings of their special events into television programs, local groups can get much more mileage from them and more effectively promote their good works to the public. Small initial outlays can enable civic associations to return sizable donations and volunteers. Air time on the main broadcast station is under $1000 per half hour weekend mornings and afternoons or weekday early evenings. When potential donors understand that their contributions will go specifically to putting your organization’s activities on TV, dollars that might not otherwise be forthcoming may well gush forth.
Catskill Mountains, New York
Music and pictures portray a capsule history of the Catskills region. Imagine the charming country railway around the Ashokan Reservoir running again. This tourist-generating engine just might pull the area’s economy back into life. (16:00), Short Form (7:00)
All through the boom years from the 1850’s to the 1940’s, the railroad served as a central nervous system for the Catskills region. Now the train runs from Phoenicia to the Coldbrook station with a few thousand passengers annually, instead of the many more who would flock to see the spectacular reservoir views only accessible by rail.
The complete railway circuit returned to service might once more make the Catskills a national and international travel destination. When Kingston reconnects along the reservoir to Phoenicia, folks can take their car, a bus, a train, or a boat to Kingston and transfer to a colorful scenic railroad for transport through the Catskill Park. The system can later re-establish itself past Belleayre, a large all season ski center. The line could then connect to the fully developed Delaware and Ulster railroad system from Highmount through Arkville to Roxbury.
Like on a rapid transit, at hub locations hikers and bikers can easily rejoin or disembark from the train all day. Passengers might choose to ride back and forth using open tickets. Electric jitneys or vans can enable groups of tourists to shuttle around to local attractions or trailheads once they step off the train.
Progress in restoring this charming country railway system depends on collaboration between the key government and community actors.
• The United States can readily afford the modest costs of repairing the railbed.
• New York State has regulatory authority.
• New York City owns the reservoir.
• Ulster County bought the tracks and right of way in the late 1970’s.
• The Catskill Mountain Railroad holds the operating lease until 2016.
• The Empire State Railway Museum’s non-profit status enables it to apply for and manage grant monies.
These entities, pulling together with area municipalities, can bring this locomotive for local prosperity back on line. Such a tasteful evolution forward to the past will mark out a regional identity. Returning to yesteryear and projecting into the future, let us envision this ghost railroad along the reservoir running again.
• Dakin Morehouse, President Empire State Railway Museum
(845) 688-7501
• Harry Jameson, Catskill Mountain Railroad
(845) 688-7400
• Peter Manning Regional Planner
• David Lionel, Chairman Transformational Education Initiatives
(310) 795-4910 Cell EDT
Latest Developments and Next Strategic Steps – Read About Them Here! >
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Sarasota, Florida
Whatever your cause or event, letting the world know about it directly is likely to produce more responses and impact than waiting for the media to seek out your organization and your issues.
Executing a television strategy will require you to mobilize your resources. It will cost some money – probably much less than you think. Yet you can reach many times more people than you ever have before and readily multiply your modest initial outlays.
Transformational Education Initiatives (TEI) shows sponsoring organizations how to stage attractively, shoot multi-camcorder, edit quickly, and telecast locally, reusable programs drawn from their major events. These video handbooks can help mobilize constituencies to persuade government and business leaders to support enlightened public policies. The prospect of regional television exposure ought to attract sufficient public-spirited sponsors.
Such broadcasts will inspire many viewers to volunteer or contribute, driving traffic to flashed website addresses or listed 800 numbers, like a pledge drive without the direct appeal time. Donations should be greater than all the costs of production, promotion, and airtime.
TEI can help find an appropriate local grass roots production company and advise on video-friendly event formatting. We take responsibility neither for producing the gathering nor the video. Our clear professional role is in bringing together all the necessary players.