How might an individual, a society, a world transform themselves? Let us explore together the possibilities. Education is one obvious answer. If a still picture is worth a thousand words, how much more valuable are moving pictures in conveying information? Transformational Education Initiatives (TEI) offers you a series of interactivating video-based courses, bringing cutting edge ideas in an accessible package.
One effective mode of learning is by doing, applying theories taught in the classroom in the outside world. Students could receive academic credit for undertaking community projects. By hooking up with these young people, non-governmental organizations can gain an infusion of new energy.
TEI’s other major thrust is toward community development. Restoring the railway system along the Ashokan reservoir would tremendously benefit the economy of the Catskills in upstate New York. Rail with trail proponents can work through our website as an action hub.
All these initiatives empower individuals to realize their potentials, understand core principles that can motivate collective endeavors, and enable communities to grasp the larger picture. Seeing themselves as parts of a whole frees folks to work cooperatively to serve the general welfare and fulfill their highest ideals.
The missions of Transformational Education Initiatives are to:

• Conduct educational video screenings through targeted Internet outreach internationally to civil society members doing charitable and sustainable development work.
• Establish a network of schools, libraries, think tanks, non-governmental organizations, and government departments to utilize our video instructional materials.
• Find learning centers and instructors with students who want to evolve Peace Education curricula and develop local action teams.
• Edit, finalize, and package some twenty WORLD CITIZEN VIDEOBOOKS.
Inspiring presenters show you how to take responsibility for your own health care. Working with the body to strengthen the immune system can be an effective route to wellness. Restoring the free flow of energy through invisible but real internal pathways can bring relief from pain and dysfunction. Acknowledging that there are emotional and spiritual sources of sickness adds another dimension to the curative process. Four videos will expand your understanding of ways to become and stay healthy:
Natural Healing Techniques
Touch for Health I – II
Acupressure I – IV
Surviving Cancer
Practical visionaries share their success stories in mobilizing communities to better serve everyone’s interests. Such way-showers shine light on unconventional paths forward toward social change. Compassion for the preventable suffering of the human family motivates these metaphysical activists. The course encourages participants in shifting to a more comprehensive worldview. Two videos will bring you up close to these inspiring role models:
Heroes for Our Time
The Patch Adams Story
Major consciousness raising events reveal the outline of an emerging global civilization that can enlarge social justice and integrate with nature. Satellite telecommunications and the Internet have ushered in the Planetary Age, but we the people need new institutions at the global level to make our voices count. We should evolve transnational corporate capitalism to serve the needs of every earthling. The course specifies the realizable 25 Top Transformations making up a just world system that works for all. Three videos will fill in the picture for you:
World Citizenship 5 in 1
Action Agenda for the Earth I – IV
A Just World System
In the Catskill mountains in upstate New York, restoring the railway system along the Ashokan Reservoir can significantly help bring prosperity to Ulster County’s economy. If a public-private non-profit partnership funds repair and maintenance of the railbed, then leasing the rails for commercial operation becomes a sure money-maker. The key element is for each township to open up to a regional awareness. Acting as separate entities cannot carry the charge that working together will. A short, informative, highly entertaining video elaborates on the great gains the area will derive from putting this charming tourist train route back into service.